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Average Time Calculator

Time (HH:MM:SS) Actions
Average Time: 12:00:00 AM


The Average Time Calculator allows you to compute the average of multiple time entries, focusing on hours, minutes, and seconds. The calculated average time is displayed in a 12-hour format with AM/PM.

How to Use

  1. Enter the time for each entry using the time input fields (HH:MM:SS format).
  2. To add more entries, click the "Add Time" button to create additional rows.
  3. Use the "Remove" button to delete any unwanted rows.
  4. Click the "Calculate Average" button to compute the average time of all entries.
  5. The average time will be displayed below the button in a 12-hour format (e.g., 01:37:45 PM).

How to Calculate Average Time Manually

To manually calculate the average time for multiple entries, follow these steps:

  1. Convert each time entry into total seconds: (hours * 3600) + (minutes * 60) + seconds.
  2. Add all the total seconds from each entry together.
  3. Divide the total sum of seconds by the number of entries to get the average in seconds.
  4. Convert the average seconds back into hours, minutes, and seconds:
    • Hours = Average seconds divided by 3600 (seconds per hour).
    • Minutes = (Remaining seconds after extracting hours) divided by 60 (seconds per minute).
    • Seconds = Remaining seconds after extracting minutes.
  5. Convert the time to 12-hour format:
    • If hours are 0, set to 12 and indicate AM.
    • If hours are greater than 12, subtract 12 and indicate PM.
    • If hours are exactly 12, indicate PM.
    • If hours are less than 12, indicate AM.
  6. Example: Calculate the average of 2 times: 01:10:20 and 02:05:10:
    • Convert to seconds: (1 * 3600) + (10 * 60) + 20 = 4220 seconds
    • Convert to seconds: (2 * 3600) + (5 * 60) + 10 = 7510 seconds
    • Total seconds = 4220 + 7510 = 11730 seconds
    • Average in seconds = 11730 / 2 = 5865 seconds
    • Convert back to time:
      • Hours = 5865 seconds / 3600 = 1 hour
      • Minutes = (5865 seconds % 3600) / 60 = 37 minutes
      • Seconds = 5865 seconds % 60 = 45 seconds
      • Final Average Time = 01:37:45
    • Convert to 12-hour format: 01:37:45 PM
Last updated: 09/13/2024
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