Tip Amount: $0.00
Total Amount: $0.00
Amount per Person: $0.00
The Tip Calculator helps you calculate the tip amount, total bill, and the amount each person needs to pay. You can choose from a range of tip percentages from 1% to 100%, and specify the number of people splitting the bill.
How to Use
Calculate the tip amount by multiplying the bill amount by the tip percentage. For example, for a $50.00 bill with a 30% tip:
Tip Amount = $50.00 * 0.3 = $15.00
Add the tip amount to the bill amount to get the total amount:
Total Amount = $50.00 + $15.00 = $65.00
To find the amount per person, divide the total amount by the number of people splitting the bill. For example, if 1 people are splitting the bill: